Oct 20, 2010

On my own..?

So, today I realized something. Something, I probably should have gotten a long time ago.

For those of you who don't know, I'm in this program where you finish the last two years of high school while starting your first two years of college. But, it's at a community college.

I realized today that once I set off for the rest of college, which will be in about a year and a half, I won't have people helping me. No mom to help write your English papers, no tutor to re-teach you math. You might have your roomate and that's about it.

I realized today that I'll be all alone, expected by society to live and survive on my own. No money from Mom, no begging Dad to be part of your life. No friends to copy off of and study is going to have to become a regular thing.

Although I'm doing fine right now, studying has never been a part of my education. I guess it's time to start thinking about that, huh?
Well, I just wanted to write about what I've been thinking about all day.

Let me know what you're thinking about, too!

1 comment:

  1. That's the beauty of college. You finally have to start doing things for yourself, but you aren't alone. There's an entire class of freshman freaking out with you, and your parents are always going to be there to help you through the tough times. You're going to make new friends that your life will depend on.

    Sure you have to study, worry about money, and make yourself get up on time... but for the first time in your life, you're making all of the decisions. Yes, you may have to work for something, and when you screw up there isn't any extra credit or late/make up work.

    It's all so exciting and scary. You are setting up the rest of your life. You are finally to that point where this is you. You are that adult person that you've always thought of yourself as, and making who you are going to be.
