Jan 13, 2010

Winter Jam 2010

So, this past weekend I went to winter jam with a friend of mine and her youth group. For those of you who have no idea what winter jam is, it's when a bunch of christian bands come together to host a concert that only cost's ten dollars. It's really pretty awesome considering how bad the economy is these days. Anyway, I had a really good time this year. There were several bands there, including Sidewalk Prophets, Tenth Avenue North, and Newsboys.

When my friend and I got there, it was about two hours before the doors opened. We stood out in the cold most of the time. We had some people stay and hold our spot while we went to the Starbuck's up the street from the arena. We actually met one of the guitarist for Tenth Avenue North there while we were standing in line.

After standing out in the cold for what seemed like forever, the doors finally opened after much screaming and ranting. Our seats were about 7 rows from the stage, which turned out to be cooler than I thought it would.

The concert started and I have to say it's the coolest one I've ever been to. We heard Tony Nolan speak, and if you haven't I suggest you do, and he did a awesome job like always. I realized where my walk with God was and that I wanted to do more than just read my bible and pray. I signed up to learn more information about mission trips and I'm in the process of being apart of a mission team who will be going to Dallas, Texas to help with the people there. The lady who told me about it told me that part of the mission trip was to go to an apartment and ask someone who lived there what they needed, once you know you go get the things and bring them back to you. Usually you tell them about your testimony and things you've gone through in live and just let them know God loves them.

I'm really excited about everything that's happening now, and I encourage you to go to a winter jam close to you if you can. It's tons of fun and can change someone's life. I know this from personal experience.

Thanks for reading my first post. I'll try to update about something weekly.

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